Grace, Grit & Gratitude Book Awards!

🎉 My book ‘Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery’ was named one of the best, new books in FOUR categories (horse books, cancer books & healing books) by Book Authority‼️

I also found out that my book has sold over 2,000 copies too ‼️(I had no idea about this⁉️)

1. I won number 1 out of 22 books for Best New Horse Books for 2022! 🥇
2. Number 8 out of 14 for Best New Breast Cancer Books for 2022! 🥇
3. Number 3 out of 9 for Best New Healing books of 2022! 🥇
4. Best Cancer Books of all time! 🥇

🐴 Of course the category I’m most excited about is the horse category as you know I’m a #crazyhorsegirl & number one out of 22 is pretty fantabulous‼️

I found out about this award in March, in the same week that my beloved father passed. Due to the full experience of it all, I have not had a chance to post about it on my blog till now!

It seems like tragedy & triumph walk hand in hand. Ecstasy & disaster dance together. While my beloved dad’s life hung in the balance, this amazing book news came out of nowhere‼️ I had no idea that my book was even in the running! 📕

I am grateful for this bountiful blessing in the midst of calamity. It helps remind me of the absolute magic that is surrounding me in every moment. I believe in magic, even amidst the hard, scary shit. ✨🦄✨Of course, my amazing dad was my biggest cheerleader. He was the one who would celebrate my wins the loudest. 💔

Life never fails to lend surprises. There is beauty even in the darkest hour. ☀️